Academic Events
IIA Events
Based on the concept of "Hai Na Bai Chuan, You Rong Nai Da” (“A hundred rivers flow into the sea, yet the ocean does not overflow”) the Institute has established its own academic activity brands "Baichuan Forum" and "Haina Lecture", aiming to provide a broad and inclusive platform for thinkers at home and abroad, and contribute intellectual momentum to China's development in the New Era by pooling the insights of influential thinkers.
Since 2021, the Institute has held a number of Baichuan Forums and Haina Lectures each year, inviting experts and scholars in various fields, senior policy researchers, entrepreneurs and government officials to engage in deep discussion of diverse topics such as the external environment, industrial policy, dual carbon strategy, and China's political economy theory and practice, so as to provide a theoretical and practical basis for China's formulation of strategies and policies in these areas.
The "Baichuan Forum" and "Haina Lecture" series have brought together nearly 100 particpants, including many eminent experts and scholars as well as industry pioneers. We have been honoured to receive Dr. Yang Jiemian, Ambassador Liu Xiaoming, Professor Pan Jiahua, Professor Li Yang, Ambassador Yu Hongjun and other experts who have delivered keynote speeches, shared their insights, and placed Chinese solutions, Chinese wisdom and Chinese capability at the disposal of China and the world. The Baichuan/Haina brands are continuing to gain prominence in multiple sectors. The event series have been widely reported by mainstream media such as People's Daily, Guangming Daily, Xinhua News Agency and other titles, with a cumulative readership of more than 10 million, and have received close attention and stimulated serious discussion across a broad public.